
June 1, 2011

Painted Upholstery - Part 2

So I know part 2 should have came before the finished project but I just haven't had the time to sit and write about the project. I really enjoyed doing it. It did take about 3 weeks in total but only due to our weather. I feel like painting took forever!!! My arm really was worn out after each time. I think I could have just done the satin paint and liked it just as much as adding the latex paint. Here are some tips from Hyphen Interiors.
Is it crunchy or stiff?
It started out as a velvet fabric.  It is not soft like velvet anymore, but it is also not hard, crunchy or sand papery.  It’s like a stiffer rougher fabric, similar to painted canvas.  If you rub it in the direction of the grain, though, it’s not bad at all.  If you rub it in the opposite direction, it’s more rough.

Does the paint come off on clothing?
Not at all.  I tested it out and even wet it and sat on it.  No problem.   Similarly, if you paint a t-shirt, the paint doesn’t rub off.

- A smoother fabric is likely easier to work with.  Textures will show through the paint.
- The final acrylic paint layer is very important.  It will give the consistent deep color.  Be sure not to overdo it on the latex paint.
- Go light on seams.  Water this down and don’t overdo it.
- Sand down any particularly rough spots.
- For a more leather-like finish, you could try a glossy paint or a wax finish.
- Choose a chair that is in the color range that you are aiming for (I chose light blue and wanted to go teal) or choose a color in the range of your current chair.
- It MAY work even better if you skip the latex coats, but I’m not certain since that is not how I did it… You may need them as a primer.  I’m not sure.
- You’ll find that the better shape the fabric is in, the better the paint will go on and the less stiff it will be.  The arms on my chair were a tiny bit worn compared to the rest of the chair.  As a result, they are a little rougher now.  I do think that in time, with use, it will all even out in texture, though.
- It’s not a chair to cuddle in.  It’s not super plush anymore.
- I’m not sure how it would be for heavy use.  We use our chair occasionally.
- Someone made a a good point – it’s a little like the concept of the velvet Elvis
- Best practice is to do a pillow first if you have one or the underside of a cushion if it is possible.

Here is the finished project with and new pillow I made last night.

Ugh please excuse the mess surrounding :)

Mrs. J

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